Friday, April 6, 2012

A shout out to Lively Letters

Today I'm posting about my favorite phonics program, Lively Letters or Reading with TLC. (find more info here For any special ed teacher out there, this is a great and easy program that will get your students motivated!

A few years ago, I bought myself the teachers manual and a starter letter kit for myself as a resource. I had three students who just weren't latching on to our school phonics and reading program.  At first I was nervous. But honestly within days, some students who had tried several other approaches to reading were finally starting to learn their letters! I was amazed. It is a multi-sensory approach to reading. It has several levels of cueing so that students make connections to letters and their sounds. I do so much with this program everyday in school. My students have loved it time after time. They especially love the CD of letter songs that goes with the program. I still use it - yes even in my sub-seperate classroom. I really think that every student can learn how to read.

I'm not normally online writing reviews, but I had to share a great product that has helped me and so many kids in so many ways. If you are getting stuck with teaching phonics and reading, check it out!


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